Covered Caregiver provides a trained, insured and healthcare-credentialed caregiver to assist a discharged patients settle right back into their homes. They wanted a postcard to promote their senior relief package, available to patients on a Medicare-only health plan. They also wanted to promote their FREE caregiver’s services or a $75 Target gist card. The client had previously promoted this same service with a postcard created by a different vendor and the response was lackluster. He asked Creative Chain to throw everything out and take a fresh look. Below we show the previous postcard, and our version.

This ‘before’ image showcases the client’s previous postcard, littered with a bombardment of colors, elements, graphic treatments, and images. This visual clutter made it challenging for the target audience to discern the key focal points.

We began the postcard from scratch, reimagining everything from brand positioning to copy and design. This ‘After’ version shows how we addressed the lack of clarity and focus that the original postcard suffered from, ensuring that our iteration introduced a sense of airiness. Additionally, we incorporated a pattern reminiscent of wallpaper, imparting a feeling of homey comfort.